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oe ħajt riġenerat għad-drapp

In the good old days, fabric was made with earth-fresh materials. That was the way of doing things for a very long time. But now, things have changed! A great highlight of the yarn is that it was recycled form OE, an exciting process through rewiring all useless clothes like sheets anew and coming out as regeneration. The repurposing of this yarn is essential, but so too is our planet.

The protection of the OE regenerated yarn to be used and made fabric which is protecting our Earth. As we saw this involves downcycling the post-consumer plastic, that would have otherwise ended up in a landfill. The world is a garbage can- Garbage goes far away in Landfill, and it gets full at One time or the other which results in environmental imbalance. In this way, when friends donate their old clothes or sheets (or any textile at all) the fabric can be recycled into OE regenerated yarn. Anything that might get thrown away can be used, essentially. OE regenerated yarn is also comfy and long-lasting material. So it is excellent for manufacture the clothing, blankets and all human use materials.

    How OE regenerated yarn is made from discarded textiles.

    OE: Spinning some used old cloths ( clothes that are not more in use or dontold) Bed sheets of people etc and making Regenerated yarn is a different process, First they cut down the all the Old textiles into small pieces. The small fragments are then collected and further processed such that a new yarn can now be created. Well, that is neat because it saves a lot of those old textiles from being headed to the landfill. Instead, they are reincarnated to become something usable and beautiful. For recycling Garments,Sucha big wonder that our worn out clothes turnout into something new either to wear or any utility and for its part life too.

    Why choose LUCKY TEXTILE oe regenerated yarn for fabric?

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