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natural yarn

Not only does working with natural yarn more enjoyable from the creative aspect of making stuff but it is also a better, if not best for carbon footprint reasons. Lev Ground cover made of natural yarn - a web with different textures and properties, produced from extractable raw materials: wool sheep... So, let us discuss a bit more on why natural give you greater craft and simplistic living yield!

Adopting Green Crafting Practices

Crafting is something, without a doubt that will bring out our creative best and keep us engaged in whatever way we can. But paying attention to the environmental impact of our crafting choices is so important. Which is where sustainable crafting, especially using resources like natural yarns come in. It allows us to reduce our carbon footprint and maintain the delicate balance of nature. On top of that, buying ethically produced yarn ensures all the animals and workers who participate in the process are treated with love.

Why choose LUCKY TEXTILE natural yarn?

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